The City of Guin
Guin Street and Sanitation
Department Services:
Residential Garbage Collection:
Residential garbage is collected on a regular schedule Monday through Thursday. The cost to residential customers is $16.00 per month and is collected along with the customer’s monthly water bill. Additional cans cost $8.00 each.
Note: Senior Citizens age 65 and older whose only source of income is Social Security may go to the Marion County Heath Dept. in Hamilton in December of each year to apply for garbage exemption.
Business Garbage Collection:
Business garbage is collected weekly on Fridays. The cost to business customers is $19.00 per month and each additional can will cost $8.00.
Holiday Collection:
If your regular collection day falls on a holiday, your garbage will be collected on the next working day.
Street & Sanitation Staff:
Chad Akers
Kelvin Terrell
Dale Kilgore
Danny Kell
Jimmy Cantrell
Rodger Gann- Supervisor