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Clubs and Organizations


The citizens of Guin enjoy being social with their neighbors. A number of well-established clubs and organizations can be found here. Below are a number of organizations in the city. Please feel free to contact the individuals listed to learn more about joining.


If you have information about other clubs or organizations not listed, please feel free to contact Rebeca Markham, our city clerk,  at City Hall so information can be added here.



Guin Garden Club

The Guin Garden Club raises money to work on the beautification of Guin. They also provide scholarships to Marion County High School and donates money to Guin Elementary School to support education. 


Heather Bellew-President



En Avant Study Club

The En Avant Study Club is a social club that encourages the interaction of women in Guin and is dedicated to promoting education. The club donates money to Marion County High School and Guin Elementary School to help support the needs of the schools. They also provide scholarships to Marion County High School.


Kimberly Franks-President






Red Hat Society

Janis Randoph

(205) 468-3585


Next Feed My Sheep pick-up dates for 2021: 





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